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Ecosphere selvforsynt  Akvarium
Ecosphere er et lukket Akvarium system, som ikke trenger stell.
Alt du gjør er å gi det lukkede glass-Akvariumet lys i 6 - 12 t pr. dag.
Enten dagslys, eller fra en vanlig lampe. Leveres med inn & utvendig skrapemanget.
Inni Akvariet er det små Reker & Rekeyngel, plangton,
alger, vann, salter, koraller og luft.
Systemet fungerer akkurat som vår jordklode.
Her kan du se hvordan liv utvikler seg i et lukket system.
Rekene vokser, spiser, lever og om du er heldig
formerer de seg også (Se bildet til høyre).
Dette fantastiske økosystemet er utviklet av Nasa,
og romstasjonen inneholder flere slike Akvarium.
- Rekenes levetid : 3 - 12 år (
Du får nye reker Gratis )
- Høyden : 13 cm
- Anbefalt tempratur : 15 - 25 g.C 6800
kr. 1.299,-.
( Kan også leveres 19 & 23 cm høye. Se bildet over )
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mer om Ecosphere-Akvariet
How EcoSpheres Work
The EcoSphere is a display of a working ecological system. While it is beautiful to
view, it also demonstrates the delicate balance of a closed ecosystem like the
Earth. Contained within the completely sealed glass is a small variety of shrimp,
algae, and microorganisms living in a filtered sea water environment.

The EcoSphere contains some of the same essential elements that are found on
our planet. The Earth is represented by the gravel at the bottom with water filling
two-thirds of the system while air fills the balance of the space. Fire is the light,
which streams in each day. Finally, life: the algae, shrimp and microbes that float
and swim in the water.

The EcoSphere's biological cycle represents a simple version of Earth's' own
ecosystem. Light together with carbon dioxide in the water enable the algae to
produce oxygen by photosynthesis. The shrimp breathe the oxygen in the water
while nibbling on the algae and bacteria. The bacteria break down the animal
waste into nutrients, which the algae utilize.

The shrimp and bacteria also give off carbon dioxide, which the algae again use to
produce oxygen. And so the cycle renews itself.

What is in the EcoSphere ?
Along with the shrimp there are algae and filtered sea water. The EcoSphere also
contains gorgonia and gravel as a part of the working ecosystem. Gorgonia, the
non-living branch like material, and the gravel are surface area in the ecosystem.
The gorgonia and gravel are also a hiding place for microorganisms - a place
where they can not be eaten by the shrimp. All other areas in the water are
accessible by the animals. By having more surface area for the bacteria to grow on
the eco-system has the ability to break down more of the waste materials.

What is a Closed Eco-System ?
A closed eco-system is a group of organisms placed in any sealed container along
with nutrients to sustain and regenerate life. Water is the most essential item in the
system, for without it nothing lives. There are numerous microorganisms inside that
keep reproducing and dying, each time they give off and take in oxygen and
carbon dioxide. The key component is energy in the form of light. With light energy,
chemicals are changed into nutrients and are then available to the higher

The nature of all closed ecosystems is to wind down. Eventually the major chemical
building blocks get "locked up" and are no longer available to the microorganisms.
There is no weather inside the EcoSphere to pull these chemicals apart from each
other. However, on Earth this action takes place in the oceans and on land
continuously. Replenishing is done by the weather always mixing and returning
nutrients back by the actions of wind and rain.
Ecosphere little. eggshaped 13 cm high
The EcoSphere is the world's first totally enclosed
ecosystem - a complete, self-contained and
self-sustaining miniature world encased in glass. Be
wary of inferior and lower quality imitations. Easy to
care for, an EcoSphere is an incredible learning tool
that can provide powerful insights about life on our own
planet... and provide a glimpse of technology that's
shaping the future of space exploration.

But an Ecosphere is much more than a scientific
breakthrough - it is a work of art. A living treasure to
own or give to someone special. Each EcoSphere is
carefully crafted to achieve an aesthetic, meditative
beauty that can soothe any environment, including
home, classroom or office.

The ecosystems demonstrate in a most simplistic way
the interdependence of animal and plant life with
Earth's most precious element - water. The products
have been called science projects, the world's lowest
maintenance pets, closed aquariums. They are in fact
developments of space age technology initiated by
Om Rekene dine dør kan
du sende inn Akvariumet,
og få satt inn nye Gratis.
Om Rekene dine dør kan
du sende inn ditt Akvarium,
og få satt inn nye Gratis.
Bilde Akvarium med Levende Fisker
Om Rekene dine dør kan
du sende inn Akvariumet,
og få satt inn nye Gratis.
Vi tar Gratis imot dine gamle el-varer
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mer om Ecosphere-Akvariet
Her er prisene på EcoSphere Aquarium :
01. Lite egg   13 cm høy  ( Ny pris )  :  kr. 1.399,-
02. Stort egg 19 cm høy                    :  kr. 2599,-
03. Stor kule 16 cm diameter            :  kr. 3599,-
04. Ekstra Stor kule 23 cm diameter :  kr. 5998,-
Bilde Akvarium, med Levende Fisker
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